

Lexus’s distinctive “L-finesse” design philosophy was developed based on traditional Japanese values and unique Japanese advanced technology. “L” denotes “Leading-edge” while “finesse” signifies human sensibility and skill. Together they express an approach that seeks to combine these two elements in order to raise car design to the level of beauty and art. Based on this philosophy, Lexus pursued elegance with the hardtop open and sporty beauty with the hardtop closed.

Exterior Design

Like a person changing clothes, the IS 300C expresses a completely different style depending on whether the hardtop is open or closed. The creative theme is dual mode style. A fashionable sculptedbeauty blossoms forth in both modes. In open mode, the belt lines trace a curve as they connect to the fairings, creating an elegant silhouette. In closed mode, the roofline and fairings combine toshape an integrated, sporty appearance. The electric retractable hardtop lets you choose freely between two styles: the sportiness of a coupe and the elegant freedom of a convertible.

Interior Design

The distinctive interior combines two tastes in a single space. The front seats give the sense of a sporty cockpit with the same instrument panel as the IS sedan, while the rear seats are aspacious two seater thanks to a luxurious design that envelops passengers. The resulting space resonates with the sensibility of the vehicle’s occupants, accommodating theawareness of the individual in each seat. When the hardtop is open, a vivid impression attracts the attention of people nearby.